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Meet The Trustees

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Gohar Ghouse

Founder, CEO & Instructor

Founding the Academy in 2013. I have over 30 years of experience as a student & qualified Muay Thai boxing instructor with the World Kickboxing Association (WKA), the United Kingdom Muay Thai Federation (UKMF), & accredited by the BMABA. A qualified WKA judge, Level 3 personal trainer, Level 3 health trainer, social worker with experience in mental health


Dave Wilson

Hon' Secretary & Instructor

I have been with the Academy since 2017. As Secretary I am responsible for policy compliance, digital content, office & membership management. 

I am accredited BMABA & MTA Instructor qualified in level 3 mental health awareness, safeguarding vulnerable adults & children, risk assessment, conflict management, including mental, psychological & physical first aid. 


Nazamul Hoque


I have been with the Academy since 2018. As Treasurer I am responsible for the accounts & reporting of the Academy finances, along with representing key interests of members, promotion & organisation of events. I have many years & extensive experience in the retail sector within customer service, administration & accounting departments.


Shopon Mahbubul

Media & Communications

I joined the Academy in 2017. As a certified Digital filmmaker I have been able to combine my passion for Muay Thai & digital film making into my role. My responsibilities include producing & editing the digital videos & photography required for the Academy’s promotional material including the website, newsletters, press releases, & annual general meetings. 


Zara Ghouse

Funding & Development

As the funding officer

for the Academy my duties include, supporting post award functions including grant monitoring, performance analysis & reporting on all auditory requirements during post funding periods. I have always had a passion for Thai Boxing, it’s a great way to keep focused & fit. I have extensive experience working with

people who experience mental health.


Jose Varela

Grading Examiner

Multiple British & World Muay Thai Champion Jose became grading examiner for the Academy in 2019. With a professional career spanning over a decade & holding multiple title belts with MTGP, IMTKA & UKMF. Jose brings a wealth of knowledge, experience & passion in wanting you to progress.

©2019 by Thai Boxing Fighters Academy

England, United Kingdom

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